3A.41 Distal valgus deformity in a short femur; LRS ADVanced with Micrometric Swivelling Clamp.
(a) 53000 series fixator in place with Micrometric Swivelling Clamp distally.
(b) Distal osteotomy; distal clamp loosened; acute correction of deformity.
Caution: Correct translation.
(c) Lengthening at proximal osteotomy site.
Use of HA-coated screws is recommended.
3A.42 Proximal varus deformity in a short femur. LRS ADVanced with Multiplanar Clamp.
(a) 53000 series fixator in place with Multiplanar Clamp proximally; osteotomy performed and initial lengthening by callotasis to stretch soft tissues.
(b) Acute shortening and correction by callus manipulation, and completion of lengthening.
Use of HA-coated screws is recommended.